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Need Help Training Your Dog? Here Are Some Tips!

Much of dogs behavior comes as an instinctual response they see something moving so they chase it. This kind of behavior often results in actions that people seek to train out of a dog. By learning the right tips to counter act the dogs response one can train their dog.

If you have gotten a new dog or puppy, you should work on training them right away. If they are going to be indoor dogs, you can start crate training them . This prevents bathroom accidents or your items being chewed on. Start off with the right sized crate, so that they have enough room in the crate to move around a bit.

Do not train your dog through fear of physical punishment. Teaching your dog to respect your commands and dominance will create a healthy and stable pet. Dog s learn to respect the pack leader in the wild by being dominated, not attacked. Physical punishment can lead to an irrational and often violent pet.

When you are first starting out in training your dog, try to schedule the training sessions to take place at about the same time every day. If you are making the training sessions a positive experience and doing them on a schedule, your dog will start to look forward to the sessions and enjoy them more.

At Bone , puppies are able to learn simple commands. If your puppy is tired, highly excited, or exploring his space, your training session will probably not be very successful. You will need your puppy's full attention to assure your training session is worth your time.

Don't bother with shock collars. In many cases, they do not live up to the advertising expectations created, and are just more money than more effective and traditional training tools. They aren't engaging in positive reinforcement either. It is common for these tactics to create adverse behavior.

When you are working on dog training, make sure that you are providing him or her with the right balance of food. Imagine if you were eating foods such as turkey or sugar while you are trying to learn, as you can see it would definitely have an influence on your attention factor. The same principles apply to dog training. Stick with foods that will compliment your dog's natural ability to learn.

If your canine jumps on top of you, gently grab their paws and squeeze them; this will tell them that they cannot jump. This will not hurt if done lightly, but it will be an uncomfortable feeling. After a while, they will stop jumping on people because they will associate it with the uncomfortable feeling.

Dog training can be frustrating. If you have found yourself to be upset because you are not making progress, go ahead and take a break before trying it again. The dog is always watching you and learning, so if it can see you are upset it will react in a similar manner.

Correct bad behavior immediately. The common mistake many people make in the care for their dog is allowing bad behavior to go unchecked until it becomes a problem. Proper training of a dog involves recognizing bad behavior right away and correcting it. It is harder to correct a problem once it has grown out of proportion.

Wait 10 to 15 minutes after a puppy eats or drinks before you take them out to go potty. Usually, a puppy has to go in a very short time after eating and drinking. To help minimize accidents in between the time you take them outside, remember that puppies do not require a full bowl of water. If you control how much you give them, then you will be in control of training them when they need to relieve themselves.

Check with the community management's pet policy. Pet lover families can be in trouble when moving from a home with a generous pet policy to a place where no pets are allowed. Move to a place where the pet policy allows you to keep your family friends. Don't give them up just because the first place you find has a no pet policy.

Start leash training by playing with your puppy while he is wearing his collar. Your puppy needs to get used to wearing a collar before it can behave while you are walking it on a leash. Make sure you get a tag with your address to your dog's collar.

If there is a behavior you'd like your dog to be able to do on command, make sure you praise him whenever he offers this behavior. This works well for tricks that you are actively teaching, as well as actions that he does naturally. For instance, if you think it would be fun to teach your dog to sneeze whenever you ask, simply say, "Sneeze," and treat him whenever he does sneeze. Sooner or later, he will learn the association between the word "sneeze," the action of sneezing, and the reward.

Your dog wants someone to be in charge. If it isn't you, your dog may try to take the job. Dogs want leaders who provide stability and security. Be a good leader by being consistent, competent, firm, gentle, kind, and a good provider. Your dog will be happy to follow you!

Understand that a dog's thinking is simple compared to human thinking. If you call your dog and he doesn't come immediately because he's distracted by a squirrel, don't scold him when he does show up. He only knows that he is coming to you, and you are scolding him for doing so. He doesn't understand you're angry about the squirrel, or that he didn't come to you quickly enough.

A key tip to remember when beginning to train a dog is to carefully choose the command words that one will be teaching to the dog. By choosing each command word to be different the dog will be able to understand what it is supposed to be doing more clearly.

Don't let your new puppy sleep on your bed. While it might be tempting to bring a puppy up onto your bed for the night, it's a big mistake! Once they get used to it, they will refuse to sleep anywhere else. Also, remember that Puppy that only takes up a small amount of space will grow very quickly. Every dog needs its own personal space, as do you!

The previous information should be helpful in training your dog so that you can help maintain a clean home. You must craft a plan that will work in your own house and practice consistency in order to train your dog effectively.